Monday, June 22, 2009

Our first month, in numbers...

We've been on the road about a month now. We thought you might enjoy seeing the trip broken down in numbers. As of today, June 22, we have the following under our belts:

33 days
1406 miles
165,000 calories eaten (each!)
14 mountain passes
5 times over the Continental Divide
9658 ft. of elevation gained (and lost, and gained, and lost....)
150+ cups of coffee
10 bottles of sunscreen
4 tubs of bag balm (bike shorts anti-chaffing lotion)
2 flat tires
6 jars of peanut butter
5 Old Faithful Eruptions
2 HAILSTORMS (in one day!)
2 Bears
Hundreds of new friends!


Unknown said...

The funny thing is...probably 70 of those cups of coffee were from mom's house ;)

The Unforgettable Journey said...

Not unlikely :)